

O-Bi, O-Ba - The End of Civilization


  • 片名:等待方舟
  • 状态:更新至1集
  • 演员:耶日·斯图尔/克里斯提娜·杨达/卡里娜·谢鲁斯克/马里乌什·德莫霍夫斯基/马雷克·瓦尔切夫斯基/扬·诺维茨基/亨里克·比斯塔/莱昂·涅姆奇克/克兹佐夫·马扎克
  • 导演:皮奥特尔·舒尔金
  • 年份:1985
  • 地区:波兰
  • 划分:剧情/科幻/悬疑
  • 时长:88分钟
  • 首映:1985-01-28(波兰)
  • 语言:波兰语
  • 更新:2024-04-26 06:53
  • 豆瓣:0.0
  • 简要:The background is an underground dungeon, in which there are bound ragged human beings, after the nuclear holocaust. This story tells the wandering of a hero in his living environment. People are waiting for the arrival of the ark to save them when their habitat falls apart. Searching for lost gemstones in the basement of the dusty and abandoned b cinema always gives me a bittersweet taste. On the one hand, it is a beneficial experience to find unexpected gemstones where no one thinks it is possible. On the other hand, although this is strange, how many of these unusual low-budget oddities, the director's personal love affair has never been very famous, now almost forgotten, but almost forever disappeared from the memory? Anyway, what we see here is a post-apocalyptic gem from Poland, which is really better than what it has any right to have. In the dystopian future of O-BI, O-BA found a group of survivors of the nuclear war that destroyed the earth. They lived in an underground concrete bunker, waiting for the mysterious ark, and a certain type of aircraft carrier to save them in the future. The Ark has proved to be a carefully designed hoax. The purpose of the elaborate design is to bring hope to the malnourished and desperate residents in the shelter. At the same time, the dome that separates their miserable life from the nuclear winter outside is slowly collapsing. The first thing that shocked me about this film was the design of the shelter and the description of the survivors. The survivors were haggard, dirty, hideous confessors, ragged, wandering aimlessly in the hall under the neon lights of the bunker, like vending machines. The bunker is a shabby and dirty place, with bright neon lights staring from all directions, like the eyes of evil animals. On the one hand, this film depicts the future of anti-utopia in the 1980s, but it has never degenerated into MAD MAX cheese. On the contrary, it combines the bitter political satire with the bleak prospect of a world without a future, and the black comedy with the satire of indifference, religion and power. For example, the survivors were fed some kind of flour dripping from the pipe hovering in the air - later we found that the food director filled this meal with books and the Bible itself. There are many such short symbolic contacts, which may not change life or restore faith, but are interesting, intelligent and enlightening. One thing is certain; O-BI, O-BA is not your ordinary sci-fi monster. It overcomes the shortage of budget with creativity, and has real artistic ambition from the perspective of writing and director. I think this film should be black and white instead of color. The director uses atmospheric light and shadow to achieve good results. If pure black and white are used, the effect will be better. On the other hand, the blue-green neon lights are particularly popular after a period of time. This is just a small complaint in a B-rated film that is solid in other aspects. It focuses on all the right places. Imagine that a less bleak road (played by Cormac McCarthy) is infused with the irony and humor of Dr. STRANGELOVE, and you will get there. If you can find it, go and have a look.
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The background is an underground dungeon, in which there are bound ragged human beings, after the nuclear holocaust. This story tells the wandering of a hero in his living environment. People are waiting for the arrival of the ark to save them when their habitat falls apart. Searching for lost gemstones in the basement of the dusty and abandoned b cinema always gives me a bittersweet taste. On the one hand, it is a beneficial experience to find unexpected gemstones where no one thinks it is possible. On the other hand, although this is strange, how many of these unusual low-budget oddities, the director's personal love affair has never been very famous, now almost forgotten, but almost forever disappeared from the memory? Anyway, what we see here is a post-apocalyptic gem from Poland, which is really better than what it has any right to have. In the dystopian future of O-BI, O-BA found a group of survivors of the nuclear war that destroyed the earth. They lived in an underground concrete bunker, waiting for the mysterious ark, and a certain type of aircraft carrier to save them in the future. The Ark has proved to be a carefully designed hoax. The purpose of the elaborate design is to bring hope to the malnourished and desperate residents in the shelter. At the same time, the dome that separates their miserable life from the nuclear winter outside is slowly collapsing. The first thing that shocked me about this film was the design of the shelter and the description of the survivors. The survivors were haggard, dirty, hideous confessors, ragged, wandering aimlessly in the hall under the neon lights of the bunker, like vending machines. The bunker is a shabby and dirty place, with bright neon lights staring from all directions, like the eyes of evil animals. On the one hand, this film depicts the future of anti-utopia in the 1980s, but it has never degenerated into MAD MAX cheese. On the contrary, it combines the bitter political satire with the bleak prospect of a world without a future, and the black comedy with the satire of indifference, religion and power. For example, the survivors were fed some kind of flour dripping from the pipe hovering in the air - later we found that the food director filled this meal with books and the Bible itself. There are many such short symbolic contacts, which may not change life or restore faith, but are interesting, intelligent and enlightening. One thing is certain; O-BI, O-BA is not your ordinary sci-fi monster. It overcomes the shortage of budget with creativity, and has real artistic ambition from the perspective of writing and director. I think this film should be black and white instead of color. The director uses atmospheric light and shadow to achieve good results. If pure black and white are used, the effect will be better. On the other hand, the blue-green neon lights are particularly popular after a period of time. This is just a small complaint in a B-rated film that is solid in other aspects. It focuses on all the right places. Imagine that a less bleak road (played by Cormac McCarthy) is infused with the irony and humor of Dr. STRANGELOVE, and you will get there. If you can find it, go and have a look.



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