

心惊胆战,Panic Beats


  • 片名:极度恐慌
  • 状态:更新至1集
  • 演员:Paul Naschy/Julia Saly/Lola Gaos
  • 导演:Jacinto Molina
  • 年份:1983
  • 地区:西班牙
  • 划分:恐怖
  • 时长:94 分钟
  • 首映:1983
  • 语言:西班牙语
  • 更新:2024-04-26 23:24
  • 豆瓣:6.5
  • 简要:PANIC BEATS starts with a woman who is naked and has scars on her body. She runs in the misty forest covered with rotten bones. A knight on horseback was chasing her. We soon knew that he was Alaric de Marnac (an evil character, Naschy, first created for "Horror RISES FROM THE TOM"), who killed her viciously because of her infidelity. After playing the role, we came to the present. A descendant of Manak named Paul (Naxi) married the rich Jenaviv (Julia Sally), who suffered from serious heart disease. Paul decided to take her to his hometown in the countryside to calm her down, but the superstitious environment opened a Pandora's box of terrible events. We soon discover that Paul is a real son of a bitch. He plans to frighten his wife, control her property, and continue his secret love affair with the seductive bad girl Mirrell (Sylvia Miro), who happens to be the niece of the Tarot reading housekeeper Mabel (Laura Gauss). Paul's malicious plan worked, but he still needs to worry about an extra mistress who is eager for money (this guy is really cute. More terrible murders followed, and the ghost of Manak returned from hell to punish the most despicable human character in the film. "PANIC BEATS" was also created by Naschy (alias Jacinto Molina), who injected an old-fashioned haunted house theme into the film and strengthened the violence and sexiness in modern films. There are not many innovative plots in this film. Even Nashi admitted in the extras on the CD that part of the inspiration of this film came from GASLIGHT and REBECCA, but he just seemed to mix the elements of exploitation and terror, and at the same time, he showed a fashionable and pleasant effort through some twists and turns and some really chilling moments. Camera shooting and lighting are very effective, and there is even a cool setting (very similar to what Freddie Francis did in Skeleton and Crawling Fly). We can see the perspective of Manak tracking female prey through his black helmet. From the graphic point of view, we can see everything, from a bloody eyeball to the merciless beating of the victim by various medieval weapons pasted on the wall of the house (for example, someone was cut in the abdomen, and then the soaked viscera seeped out!). Julia Sally, the most popular heroine of Naxi in the 1980s, doesn't have much to do, but with her distinctive appearance, she is still a good existence. The famous female star here is Silvia Mir ó. She often wears tights. She is undoubtedly the eye candy of some highly appreciated European stars. Naxi himself performed very well in the film. He played two roles in a film, played a series of women, and was a real malicious bastard. http://www.dvddrive-in.com/reviews/n-s/panicbeats8283.htm
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  • 极度恐慌 图1
  • 极度恐慌 图2
  • 极度恐慌 图3
  • 极度恐慌 图4
  • 极度恐慌 图5


PANIC BEATS starts with a woman who is naked and has scars on her body. She runs in the misty forest covered with rotten bones. A knight on horseback was chasing her. We soon knew that he was Alaric de Marnac (an evil character, Naschy, first created for "Horror RISES FROM THE TOM"), who killed her viciously because of her infidelity. After playing the role, we came to the present. A descendant of Manak named Paul (Naxi) married the rich Jenaviv (Julia Sally), who suffered from serious heart disease. Paul decided to take her to his hometown in the countryside to calm her down, but the superstitious environment opened a Pandora's box of terrible events. We soon discover that Paul is a real son of a bitch. He plans to frighten his wife, control her property, and continue his secret love affair with the seductive bad girl Mirrell (Sylvia Miro), who happens to be the niece of the Tarot reading housekeeper Mabel (Laura Gauss). Paul's malicious plan worked, but he still needs to worry about an extra mistress who is eager for money (this guy is really cute. More terrible murders followed, and the ghost of Manak returned from hell to punish the most despicable human character in the film. "PANIC BEATS" was also created by Naschy (alias Jacinto Molina), who injected an old-fashioned haunted house theme into the film and strengthened the violence and sexiness in modern films. There are not many innovative plots in this film. Even Nashi admitted in the extras on the CD that part of the inspiration of this film came from GASLIGHT and REBECCA, but he just seemed to mix the elements of exploitation and terror, and at the same time, he showed a fashionable and pleasant effort through some twists and turns and some really chilling moments. Camera shooting and lighting are very effective, and there is even a cool setting (very similar to what Freddie Francis did in Skeleton and Crawling Fly). We can see the perspective of Manak tracking female prey through his black helmet. From the graphic point of view, we can see everything, from a bloody eyeball to the merciless beating of the victim by various medieval weapons pasted on the wall of the house (for example, someone was cut in the abdomen, and then the soaked viscera seeped out!). Julia Sally, the most popular heroine of Naxi in the 1980s, doesn't have much to do, but with her distinctive appearance, she is still a good existence. The famous female star here is Silvia Mir ó. She often wears tights. She is undoubtedly the eye candy of some highly appreciated European stars. Naxi himself performed very well in the film. He played two roles in a film, played a series of women, and was a real malicious bastard. http://www.dvddrive-in.com/reviews/n-s/panicbeats8283.htm


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  • 反馈
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  • 匿名者
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